Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Praise the Lord!

"O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good..." Psalm 136:1

God is good in spite of the US economy! God is good in spite of politicians! God is good because that is who He is! He cannot be anything but good!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What Does Proverbs 7:7 and Proverbs 4:23 Have In Common?

"And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding," Proverbs 7:7

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. " Proverbs 4:23

In Proverbs 7:7, the original Hebrew word, translated as "understanding," is also used in Proverbs 4:23 but it is not translated the same. What word is used instead?

Good Morning!

It was very cold this morning...at least for Charlotte, NC. It was below 30 this morning when I walked out at 5 AM to go to the gym. How cold is too cold? That is the poll question for the day from one of our local TV channels.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Been A Long Time

It's hard to believe that July was the last time that I posted on my blog.

It seems that all the attention has gone to Facebook. I have found an app that will "connect" my blog with my Facebook account so now I may get back to my blog a little more often.

(At church) We are currently in the midst of revival services with Evangelist Dwight Smith. His messages are posted on our church website - www.southcharlottebaptist.org.

Have a great day!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Since when is Obama running for President of the World? What's he doing giving speeches in Berlin as if he is running for president of Germany?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Camp at The Wilds, Part 4 - Pictures

Ben and Tim with one of the teen speakers, Mark Herbster.

The girls at the pizza party after "Fun Night!"

Elijah getting ready to ride the "Land Trolley."

The teenagers after our "Family Reunion."

Sterling's first ride on the "Giant Swing." (Notice that Ben is such an "old pro" that he was confident enough to take his camera with him on the ride!)

Camp at The Wilds, Part 4

Last night, Mark Herbster preached an excellent salvation message from Romans 3 - "3 Statements of Absolute Truth." Those truths were...
1. All men are sinners.
2. All men are sentenced.
3. All men can be saved.

This morning, I attended the junior high chapel service. The theme for the entire week has been about the life of Joseph. Matt Herbster continued that theme in this morning's chapel. In his review of the previous day, Matt answered the question, "Why was Joseph promoted?" The answer(s)? 1. Because of his compassionate God. 2. Because of his consistent testimony. 3. Because of his competent leadership. It was an excellent message!

I will be bringing home an MP3 CD that will contain all of the messages from the senior/junior high camp as well as one that contains all the messages from Junior Bootcamp.

This afternoon we had our "Family Reunion" time. That is when each church is able to gather their young people together for a time of testimonies, prayer, etc. We also give them a little treat! (That was the main reason we went to Wal-Mart earlier this week.) I also, since I have my computer here, show them some of the pictures that I have taken throughout the week. Even though they would say they hate all the pictures I take, they always enjoy seeing them!

A highlight today was watching Sterling Dotson ride the "Giant Swing" for the very first time! He was excited.

Everyone is doing well. It is getting to that point in the week where they are all getting a little tired and are looking forward to getting back home to sleep in their in own bed. Mom & Dad, begin to prepare an environment where your child will be able to continue his spiritual growth.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Camp at The Wilds, Part 3 - Pictures

Camp at The Wilds, Part 3

Stephenie and I "slept in" this morning. I got up at 8:30. For that, my punishment was that I missed breakfast!

Stephenie and I went to Junior Bootcamp chapel this morning. Bro. Ron DeGarde preached on "Protecting Your Heart!" He used several passages of scripture but his launching pad was from Ephesians 6 where we are commanded to put on the breastplate of righteousness. Why? To protect our heart!

From there, I followed the Juniors to the Lake for the "Lake Wars." They divide all the Juniors up into 4 different water games that are all going at the same time. After each round, the children switch to a different game so that at the end of 4 rounds they've had the opportunity to participate in each game.

From there we went to the picnic lunch on the ballfield with the teenagers. I was glad for this especially since I missed breakfast.

After lunch, the teenagers got to play one of their favorites - "The Cat In the Hat." We took plenty of pictures and video from that game.

This afternoon the teenagers and juniors are participating in a variety of activities: the land slide, tubing down the creek, the rope swing, hikes to the falls, swim time at the lake, put-put golf, and the list could go on.

All the young people are doing very well. Continue to keep them in your prayers daily! Thanks.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Camp at The Wilds, Part 2 - Pictures Continued

Camp at The Wilds, Part 2

Today (Tuesday)...

I saw The Wilds before the sun came up. (Stephenie and I were up at 5:45 AM in order to get our morning walk in before the day started. I know what some of you are thinking, "Don't you get enough exercise just walking up and down the stairs!?!")

I saw Janna enjoy herself on the Land Trolley.

I saw Michael & Stephen Breeden go down the Landslide. (Very quickly, I might add!)

I saw Lauren and Hannah dive 65 feet on the Giant Swing.

I saw DJ and Andrew getting "crafty" in the Craft Shop.

I saw Travis, Sterling, Jeremiah & Fon Samuel getting wet at the Water Wars.

I saw MacKenzie, Zephany, & Jessica floating down the creek on inner tubes.

All the teens and juniors are doing well. I believe they are getting tired and it's only Tuesday night.

I saw a lot of our teenagers getting "scrambled" at the Scrabble Scramble Game.

Mark Herbster preached on "3 Tremendous Truths for Terrific Teenagers." His text was from Ecclesiastes 12 & 13. Those 3 Truths were/are...

1. Rejoice

2. Remove

3. Remember

(On Saturday, ask your teens to explain those three truths. Hopefully, they were taking notes!)

I'll have more pictures tomorrow! Enjoy! Feel free to pass this blog on to others who might enjoy seeing the young people.

Camp at The Wilds, Part 1

We arrived at camp by 2:30 on Monday afternoon just as the check-in process was beginning. We had absolutely no problems with the bus on the way to camp this year. That was a tremendous relief and blessing. The young people finally settled down after we made our first pit stop about an hour away from Asheville.

Once we got off the interstate in Asheville to begin the trip "up the mountain" the young people once again found their energy. And, when we turned onto Frozen Creek Road (the road that leads to camp), the young people began to shout with excitement.

Check-in went as smooth as it ever has. The young people were handed off to their counsellors without a hitch. Everyone got their luggage. Well, almost... There were only a few pillows left and one toiletry kit left on the bus. Mothers, you'll appreciate this... Two teenagers couldn't find a piece of their luggage. In both cases the item was in sight and I pointed it out to them. In one case, the missing piece of luggage was the only one left sitting on the ground! Now I know how Stephenie feels when she has to "find" something for me that is sitting right in front of me!

A big thank you goes out to Pastor Scott, Mr. Litchfield, and Mr. Christian. Pastor drove "The Ark" (the new, short bus) which was loaded with all our luggage. Mr. Litchfield and Mr. Christian drove behind Pastor Scott in order to drive him back to Charlotte so that he could leave the bus here during the week. they will be coming back up on Saturday morning in order to drive the luggage back down the mountain.

All the young people are doing well. Stephenie and I have "made the rounds" on several occassions in order to "check in" on the teenagers. They all seem to be having a good time.

One of the teen girls came up to me before the evening service and said that she needed to call her mom. When I asked why, she said that she had broken her flip flops and only had her sneakers left. Well, we remedied the situation. Stephenie and I drove into town on Tuesday morning to pick up a few things for the "Family Reunion" time on Thursday. While we were at Wal-Mart, we picked her up a couple of pair of flip flops that were on clearance. Once again, Wal-Mart saves the day!

Matt Herbster preached on Monday night. His text was Proverbs 24:16-17. The title to his message was, "Spiritual Defeat...Deal With It!" It was an excellent message on dealing with spiritual defeat and how that sometimes we get content with spiritual defeat. It was a great way to start the week.

We brought one of the largest groups this year! I'd love to bring over 50 young people next year! Start saving now!

I'll include some pictures with my next post (propably late Tuesday night.)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I took this entire week off so that I could work on some projects around the house:

1. Repair/rejuvinate outdoor table (Still not done with this.)
2. Replace outlets in Mollie's room (Done)
3. Build two book shelves for Mollie's room (Half-way done)
4. Put casing around windows in Mollie's room (Not started)
5. Repair doors of vanity in downstair's bathroom (Half-way done)

Without a garage, I've had to clean-up/put away every afternoon this week because of thunderstorms.

Also, on Tuesday, I spent 2 hours helping Jeremiah cut our neighbor's back yard in order to earn money for camp. Then, on Wednesday, I spent a couple hours cooking lunch for several Duke Energy & Bellsouth workers who have been working in our neighborhood. Again, that was to help Jeremiah earn money for camp.

Stephenie leaves tomorrow to take the younger children to grandma's house while we go to camp next week.

What a vacation...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Take on the Oil Supply

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:28

There is much talk on the price of oil and the President Bush's proposal to increase oil drilling and exploration here in the United States.

While I agree that we should encourage the development of alternative sources of energy, I completely understand that those alternative sources of energy are not going to available to "general masses" of people for a long time to come.

I also understand that the typical consumer is having a difficult time "making ends meet" with the current state of oil prices.

I further understand that there is no quick fix.

However, I disagree with Congress' on their reluctance to allow further exploration of and drilling for oil in the United States.

God has richly blessed the United States with abundant natural resources. He has given us these resources not to simply "sit on" but He has given them to us to use. God has made us stewards of these resources. He commanded us to "subdue" the earth. That's a pretty strong word. Now, before anyone accuses me of simply wanting to "exploit" our resources at the expense of the "environment," please read on. (No, I am not an environmentalist that enjoys hugging each tree that I walk by.)

I believe that we can use the natural resources that God has given us in a responsible manner without destroying the environment. (No, I do not believe in Global Warming and yes, I would much rather save a baby from an abortion than I would a whale from slaughtering block.)

However, again, there is no quick fix. Even if Congress followed President Bush's ideas and allowed further drilling for oil, we wouldn't see any of that oil for quite some time. I read an article today that said it would be 3 years before we saw any additional oil. We must also increase our refining capabilities. Gasoline doesn't come out of the ground. It has to be refined from the raw material - oil.

That is one reason why it doesn't make too much sense for OPEC to pump more oil. Example: If the current refining capabilites is to be able to produce 100 gallons of usable gasoline a day, it doesn't matter how much oil is pumped. The refining capabilities need to be increased as well.

I've not used my blog in the was before but these thoughts have been swirling around in my mind for several days and they needed to be let out.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dad in Vietnam!

I've been scanning my dad's old 35mm slides. This is one of my favorites thus far. It was taken of him while he was in Vietnam.
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Iowa in Spring!

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Since we got back from my parent's 50th anniversary, we have been extrememly busy without a lot of time to breathe!

The day after we returned, Stephenie had our annual "Mother/Daughter Banquet." She had everything "planned" before we left but they had to put it all together the day of the banquet. They had a great time.

The following week I drove the bus so that our Academy students could go on a field trip to Dan Nicholas Park. (That event was key to what has put me behind up to this point. I have yet to "recover" from that field trip.)

Jeremiah & Mollie had their piano recital last Thursday night.

This week, I have gone to two different band/orchestra concerts that some of my youth group teenagers were performing in.

This week I also had to unexpectedly spend time trying to repair one of the office computers at church. Things like that always happen whenever I really don't have the extra time to deal with it.

The video projector in our main auditorium finally "died" a couple weeks ago. We were hoping that it would last until at least July. That's when our new church budget goes into effect. We had planned for a replacement in the new budget. Well, it didn't make it. The new projector arrived last Wednesday. We are waiting for a few more items that are needed to connect it to the computer and the DVD/VCR. We have an electrician in our church that is going to wire the new unit. We are mounting this new projector in a new place. That is why we need the the electrician's help. Hopefully we can have it put in place by the end of next week.

Neighborhood Bible Time is fast approaching. We had our first training meeting last Sunday night. We are still in need of one missionary teacher. We have additional training on June 15th.

This Sunday is our family's 8th anniversary at South Charlotte Baptist Church. It is also the 1 year anniversary for Pastor and Mrs. Waller. Pastor Waller came on staff last year as our new school administrator.

Right now I am at home, on my "day off." I'm sitting at the dining room table working on this Sunday's order of service and my Sunday school lesson. This Sunday is "Promotion Sunday." The 6th graders will be promoted into the youth group. There are quite a few 6th graders "moving up." We will be having a "Welcome Lunch" for them after the morning service.

Stephenie coordinated a "Teddy Bear Picnic" for the Kindergarten & 1st grade students today. She's right now resting on the coach.

Next Friday is Kindergarten graduation. Titus is graduating!!!! Stephenie's folks are planning to come down for the ceremony. It will be a busy week. Stephenie is going bowling with the video school students on Monday. We will be having our annual Field Day on Thursday.

Everyone keep in touch! I posted my "face" on Facebook this week. It's an interesting site and an interesting way to keep in touch with friends. I have caught up with a few old college friends on Facebook. I found out that one of them is a pastor in Iowa not "too far" from my parents.

Until next time...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Iowa is Green!

On our way to celebrate my parent's 50th anniversary, we spent a couple of days in Kansas City. While we were there we visited Cabella's. It's similar to Bass Pro Shop but much bigger. Jeremiah, Mollie & I spent 2 hours in Cabella's. It was awesome! The above picture was taken there. We also visited the KC Speedway. Richard Petty's Driving Experience was there. We were able to go down to pit row and watch them drive the race cars. Even though we didn't ride, it was still quite an experience.

My parents were definetely suprised to see us on Saturday night. They understand how difficult it is for us to get away but they were sure glad to see us. We went back to my parent's home after dinner and spent some time looking at old photos. My brother and one sister left Saturday evening and my oldest sister left Sunday morning.

On Sunday, we attended Fellowship Baptist Church, which is were I spent a lot of time growing up. They had a group from West Coast Baptist College sing in the evening service. The leader of the group know "Mr. Cody." (Many of the teens in my youth group know who he is!) After church on Sunday night, we went to visit my Grandma Lounsberry. She enjoyed our visit.

On Monday, we drove to Newton, IA to visit my Grandpa Campbell and Grandma Myrtle (my grandpa's second wife). They enjoyed our visit but the kids got a little stir crazy.

I have eaten at all the places I look forward to on every visit...Taco Johns, Maid Rites, Zenos, Ev's Ice Cream. When we went to Maid Rites we saw Tow Mater from the Car's Movie. I'll have to post a picture later. It is still on our camera. A tow company here in Marshalltow has put together a very good, real-life version of Tow Mater. Titus was sooooo excited to "meet him." He even had the "ghost light" hanging from his tow cable.

All in all we've had a very good visit but it is too quickly coming to an end. I never would have said this as a teenager but, if the Lord would every allow, I would be more than happy to move back to Iowa. (Stephenie's just not so sure how she would do during the winter months.) This is the first time that Stephenie has ever seen Iowa in the spring. Her comment has been, "It's so green!"

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of me with my siblings...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday!

It truly was a good Friday! Please allow me to tell you why...

1. The kids were out of school.

2. I cleaned out the gutters around the front porch and then installed "gutter guard." With the number of trees that we have, it only takes a few weeks to fill up with leaves. Since we replaced all the gutters last year, I want to make sure that we take care of them and make maintenance as simple as possible.

3. I trimmed our oak tree out front. I trimmed it a couple of years ago and it has gotten bushy again. After I trimmed the branches, Jeremiah undertook the task of cutting the branches up so that the city would haul them away next week. Jeremiah actually volunteered for the job and he did a wonderful job of cutting the branches up and then stacking them up.

4. For lunch, we went on a picnic. We packed some water and chips, stopped by Burger King for some "burgers," and then headed for the Pineville Park. We had a great time!

5. I cut some grass, put out some "weed & feed," and put out some mulch. Again, Jeremiah jumped in and helped me unload it from my truck and spread it around the front flower bed.

6. I trimmed our Crepe Mrtyle bushes.

7. I could go on but I'll stop there....

It was a good Friday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jeremiah's Magical Moment

Jeremiah played organized basketball for the first time this year at the YMCA. He enjoyed himself and I believe he'll probably want to do it again. He is no Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan but in his last game (which I videotaped) he did have one "magical moment" that was pretty exciting.

This video clip will explain what I mean... In this clip he is #13 and he's just rebounded the basketball and is headed toward his basket...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Attack of the Flu

Last Friday morning, Stephenie and I (along with Mollie & Jeremiah) took our youth group on a ski/tubing trip at Winterplace Ski Resort in West Virginia. We take this trip every other year. When I woke up that morning, I had a "minor" sore throat. I didn't think anything of it.

We spent the entire day on the slopes having a great time. We finally got to our hotel and got to bed at 11:00 PM. (I forgot to mention that we left Charlotte at 6:00 AM. It was a long day for me especially since I'm also the bus driver.)

Saturday I woke up with "mild" sore throat and some chest congestion. Again, I didn't think anything of it but I did take a vitamin C drink before we left for Charlotte.

When we arrived in Charlotte, I took my temperature (around 3:00 PM) and it was normal. However, as the afternoon progressed, I began to feel even worse - headache, chills, etc. At 5:00 PM I took my temperature again and this time I had a temp of 99. It was at this point that I decided to visit our neighborhood urgent care.

After about a 2 hour wait, I was finally seen by the doctor. The first thing she told me was that I did not have Strep. Praise the Lord! That's what I thought I had. No, instead I had the flu.

She armed me with a prescription for 3 meds and sent me out the door.

At that hour of the night (7:00 PM), I didn't think that our normal pharmacy at Sam's Club would be open but I figured Wal-Mart's would be. Wrong! Their pharmacy closed 15 minutes before I got there. Next choice? CVS. Their store is opened 24 hours. When I got there I was informed that the phamacies in all the "24 hour" stores close at 6:00 PM. Now where? Ride Aid - Yes, they were open. (Good because I was running out of choices.)

Sunday has been my worse day. My temp reached 103. I was miserable all day. I slept about the same on Saturday and Sunday night - off and on. My fever finally gave way some time Monday morning.

There's not much else to tell. I believe the Tamiflu (antibiotc for the flu) has kicked in and I'm on the mend. The doctor told me that it would take about a week for me to get back to normal. We'll see.

Until next time...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Frustration Revisited...

After walking away from my desk to do something else (as I contemplated what to do with all this electronic equipment) something happened.

When I came back to my desk everything all of a sudden worked. Go figure!

Until next time...when my frustration possibly comes back...



Dish Network can't get a line of site at our home. We have too many trees in the wrong location. Actually, our neighbor has too many trees.

Clearwire doesn't work too well with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. Switched to Firefox. I want to get rid of Clearwire but can't without paying a lot of money. (If I can't get things working I may pay the money just to get rid of the frustration!)

Vonage doesn't want to work with Clearwire.

I'm about ready to toss all this equipment out into the yard.

I don't have hours upon hours to work with this stuff!

Frustrated Computer/Technology User

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sky Angel Satellite TV

We have had Sky Angel satellite tv for over two years. We have enjoyed it! (Especially the Hallmark channels and HGTV!) We wanted to add the service to the tv in the kid's playroom. Stephenie's grandmother had Sky Angel but she is now living in a nursing home. We were able to get her satellite equipment so that we could add Sky Angel to a second TV.

Last night, I spent several hours running a cable from outside, under the house, and up into the wall in the playroom. Once I got it all hooked up, I wasn't getting a signal. Since it was late, I had to wait till today to call tech support for Sky Angel to make sure I didn't need to activate anything in order to use that second receiver.

When I called tech support, I was informed that Sky Angel was going to be discontinuing their satellite service as of March 31, 2008. Their satellite is nearing the end of its usable life and they do not have plans to replace it. They are moving their service to an internet based delivery system. In other word you will only be able to get Sky Angel's service over the internet. Well, in order to do that, you will need to get a new receiver. (Cost for current subscribes is just $15 for shipping.) You will also need a fast enough broadband internet connection. To recieve Sky Angel's content for one tv you will need at least a 1.5 mpbs (download). Double that (3.0 mpbs) for two tv's and so on. WOW! Although Sky Angel had been promoting this new service I had not read anywhere that they were discontinuing their satellite service. This was definetely news to me!

After my talk with tech support, I did a little more research and found out that Cleawire's internet service is not compatible with Sky Angel's new IP service and, since I'm locked into a 2 year contract with Clearwire, there goes Sky Angel. We'll miss it!

(Note: I have called Clearwire, explained the situation, and have asked for a waiver to be released from my contract. I'll find out in 3-5 business days. If they let me out of my contract, I'll have a few more options.)

I have now investigated signing up for Dish satellite service. Since I already have the equipment (Sky Angel subscribers used Dish Network's equipment.) it would only be a matter of re-positioning our dish in the backyard.) Their most basic package is comparable in content and cost to Sky Angels' new service. I've got some praying and thinking to do about this decision. I've also looked into regular cable.

Clearwire, continued...again

Just wanted to update everyone on Clearwire. Whether I just wasn't listening or they "failed" to tell me, their $15 a month for IP phone service was only for 3 months. Then the price went up to $35. That, to me, is not a great deal! When I figured that out, I called Clearwire and cancelled the phone service. I've kept the internet service. It seems to be working well. We had a brief service outage but I'm not sure if that was a Clearwire problem or if it was caused by my wireless router which very infrequently can be tempermental. If it ends up being my router, I will simply need to replace it as I use my laptop at home almost more than our desktop at home.