Sunday, February 1, 2009

Computer Crash

Here is the timeline of events:

5:00 PM/Friday - I am informed that people are having trouble sending emails and accessing information on the server.
9:00 PM/Friday - Determine that the UPS (Uniterruptable power supply) for the server has been shut off. Why? I do not know but server is now online.
10:00 AM/Saturday - Server is still online but I am receiving an error from the UPS stating that the battery needs to be replaced.
3:00 PM/Saturday - Replace battery in UPS but Server will not come online.
9:00 PM/Saturday - Determine that external hard drive (via USB) is causing the Server to freeze. Upon removing external hard drive, Server boots up properly and comes online. However, this external hard drive contains information necessary to run School Dynamics, a program vital to the smooth flow of our Academy. I also determine that the Server's onboard USB connections are not working. External hard drive is "dead." Fortunately, we do have a back up of the information that is/was on that hard drive.
3:00 PM/Sunday - Install new USB card in Server. Purchase new external drive. On Monday, I will need to reinstall School Dynamics and restore the information from the backup.

My thanks to Mr. Joel Schaeffer for a wealth of trouble shooting information!

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