Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Camp at The Wilds, Part 2

Today (Tuesday)...

I saw The Wilds before the sun came up. (Stephenie and I were up at 5:45 AM in order to get our morning walk in before the day started. I know what some of you are thinking, "Don't you get enough exercise just walking up and down the stairs!?!")

I saw Janna enjoy herself on the Land Trolley.

I saw Michael & Stephen Breeden go down the Landslide. (Very quickly, I might add!)

I saw Lauren and Hannah dive 65 feet on the Giant Swing.

I saw DJ and Andrew getting "crafty" in the Craft Shop.

I saw Travis, Sterling, Jeremiah & Fon Samuel getting wet at the Water Wars.

I saw MacKenzie, Zephany, & Jessica floating down the creek on inner tubes.

All the teens and juniors are doing well. I believe they are getting tired and it's only Tuesday night.

I saw a lot of our teenagers getting "scrambled" at the Scrabble Scramble Game.

Mark Herbster preached on "3 Tremendous Truths for Terrific Teenagers." His text was from Ecclesiastes 12 & 13. Those 3 Truths were/are...

1. Rejoice

2. Remove

3. Remember

(On Saturday, ask your teens to explain those three truths. Hopefully, they were taking notes!)

I'll have more pictures tomorrow! Enjoy! Feel free to pass this blog on to others who might enjoy seeing the young people.

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