Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Wilds 2007 - Family Reunion

Today, Thursday, was the day for "Family Reunions" at The Wilds. After lunch, we gathered all of our teenagers together for a short time of fellowship. We provided them with candy, gum, suckers, Gatorade, etc. that we purchased at Wal-Mart on Tuesday. We then gave them the opportunity to share some testimonies of what they have learned during the week. I also gave them a short Bible challenge that was based on some of the spiritual lessons they have learned during the week.

I stay busy "running" back and forth between the Juniors and the teenagers trying to video tape them participating in the games and activities. As much as the young people "hate" seeing me with a camera in my hand, they enjoy seeing the pictures later and remembering the great time they had.

The Junior Boot Campers played "Spoke Tag" this evening and the teenagers played "Feetball." Some of our teen girls don't get as involved as I would like to see them. The teenagers seem to have more fun when they "wholeheartedly" participate in the games. Tomorrow, Friday, is one of the teenagers favorite games - "Tube Tug!" That's always an enjoyable one to watch!

(Sorry, there's no picture today. Something was wrong with the internet to where I could not upload one to my blog!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the news from camp. I have enjoyed hearing what the kids have been up to. SG