Friday, November 16, 2007

Kitchen Project

One of the things that we "dislike" about our house is the "popcorn" ceilings. Well, a week ago, I go ambitious and started scraping the popcorn off of the kitchen ceiling. That was on a Tuesday night. I was just going to do a little bit at a time until I got it done. Stephenie "encouraged" me to just go ahead and do it all. Well, it only took a couple of hours to scrape it off. The clean up took a little longer. I hadn't really planned to do it all that night so I did not prep the room properly.

Stephenie was a little suprised but I wanted to get it done, so on Friday, I sanded the entire kitchen ceiling to prep it for paint. Clean was easier this time because I put up plastic and also purchased a sanding attachment for my Shop Vac which collected the drywall dust.

After I sanded, I painted - one coat of primer and then one coat of white ceiling paint. I was finished on Friday night. I have one touch up spot which I will fix when I put up the crown molding.

All in all I was rather pleased with my accomplishment. (So was Stephenie!)

Mollie's Last Soccer Game

Mollie played in her last soccer game just a couple of weeks ago. Silas had a cold so Jeremiah and I were the ones that accompanied Mollie to the game while Stephenie stayed at home with Titus and Silas. Also, it was really cold that Saturday morning and Mollie's game started at 8:00 AM. It was the first day that we could really say that fall was here! After the game, Mollie got her trophy. (Just as a note - Everyone, and that included all the other teams, got trophies. This particular league at the YMCA does not keep score. It's just for the kids to have fun and learn the sport.)