We've made "progress" in other ways as well. A couple of weeks ago, we were informed that the rack & pinion system (steering) of our van was in need of replacement. The cost of replacement would have be close to, if not over, $1,000. After praying about the situation and also getting some guidance/advice from my father and Stephenie's father, we decided that it would be better to "bite the bullet" (Dad Campbell's advice) than it would be to "nickel and dime" (Dad Campbell's advice) our old van. (Rest assured that Dad Moulson's advice was the same although he did not use the same words!) (As a side note - Had we known that we were going to have to purchase a new vehicle, we would not have spent the money to side the house and put a new deck on. It's "funny" how God works things out. Romans 10:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to those who are the called according to His purpose.")
Well, after a week of searching and praying, we finally purchased a new van. It has everything that we had wanted in a new van. Allow me to give you the specs: 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan, 27,000 miles, stow and go seating, installed DVD system, (the kids were excited about that one) and the list could go on.
The final price tag was $13,900. The same van, everywhere else we looked was anywhere from $16,000 to $18,000. This also happened to be the very first van that we looked at last week. The Lord allowed us to wrap the deal up at just the right time. We are going to be travelling to Durham tomorrow afternoon in order to attend the high school graduation of 2 of Stephenie's nieces and one of her nephews.
Why do we feel that we needed to purchase a new van? The following picture should answer that question.

For the past several weeks I have had to add power steering fluid to our "old" van on a daily basis!